On Monday 23 March 2009 23:51:26 Christiaan Putter wrote:
> Hi,
> You're quite right, the join was the tricky bit at first. 
> The 'dynamically' added classes look something like this:
> class SMAFields(SecurityFields):
>      sma10   = Float(sqldb=True)
>      def _get_sma10(self):
>            ##  some algo ###
>            return res
> That code just resides in some text editor provided for the user
> where he can change it, add new class etc.  Then from within the
> main app I use exec to compile it. The base class sets up the
> mapping, foreign keys, creates the table and also adds the sma10
> column to the Security class.  Which is why I can then:
> data = q.filter(Security.sma10 >= 5)[:]
> So even though the sma10 column isn't on the Security table itself,
> through the foreign key constraint and the outer join, it behaves
> as one would expect.
> And the query only returns Security instances because I use
> sess.query(Security), without any of the other added classes.
> That all works quite well.  The problems I'm having right now:
> 1. figuring out what the best practice is for working with data
> using multiple threads
>     -> only have one session in the gui thread? other threads call
> commit on this session using a lock?
>     -> expunge instances from gui sess before working on then, then
> commit changes in new session?  then add them back to gui's
> session?
> 2. Creation of SMAFields records if they don't exist.  Right now
> I'm just creating them by hand.  Though automatic creation when
> loading a Security would be nice.
>     -> tried with orm.reconstruct decorator on Security class,
> doesn't seem to work.

can't really help u here...
for multithread, try whichever is easier to make _now_, and think 
about redoing it for real later... why multithread though?
reconstruct is when loading from db to memory. IMO u 
need "on_save"-like thing - see mapper extensions / session 

> Maybe a bit too complicated for what it achieves, but the ability
> to define new fields with custom algorithms on the fly can be quite
> useful for users.
the "dynamic ORM" road is not really travelled too much... keep going. 
maybe put what u did somewhere to be visible? with _good_ description 
what u need from it...


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