On Mar 21, 2010, at 5:44 PM, Kevin Wormington wrote:

> I have tried several different ways of getting plain execute to work 
> including via the low-level ibm_db.execute interface with no luck.  I have 
> also tried changing the DB2 side to be a function instead of a stored 
> procedure so that something like "select myfunctionname(parameter) from 
> SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1" would work; this crashes under SA but works with the 
> low-level ibm_db.  

well that would imply a way of doing it with execute().  if the SA dialect 
crashes but not the DBAPI then the SA dialect has a bug.

> The ibm_db.callproc() function works as expected at the low level and appears 
> to be AFAIK the only way to get a stored procedure to return results for DB2. 
>  I'm using DB2 Express-C 9.7.

its likely behaving the same as your execute scenario above and still would 
have problems.

> I will give this a try.  Would this be thread-safe under Pylons?

yeah there is no shared state there.

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