On Dec 25, 2011, at 7:36 AM, VDK wrote:

> I have the following piece of code:
> class ContributieNotas(object):
>    class Admin(EntityAdmin):
>        verbose_name = 'Contributie notas'
>        verbose_name_plural = 'Contributienota\'s'
>        list_display = ['id', 'achternaam', 'tussenvoegsel',
> 'voorletters', 'adres',
>                            'postcode', 'woonplaats','omschrijving',
> 'tariefbedrag', 'adresenpc']
> def setup_views():
>    q = select([model.Leden.id, model.Leden.achternaam,
> model.Leden.tussenvoegsel, model.Leden.voorletters,
>                    model.Leden.adres, model.Leden.postcode,
> model.Leden.woonplaats, model.Tarieven.omschrijving,
>                    model.Tarieven.tariefbedrag,
> model.Leden.adresenpc],
>                    whereclause =
> and_(model.Leden.lidsoort_id.in_([1,2]),
>                    model.Tarieven.id == model.Leden.lidsoort_id),
>                    order_by = (model.Leden.achternaam))
>    q = q.alias('contributie_alle_leden')
>    mapper(ContributieNotas, q)

First off is definitely analyze the issue in terms of SQL using echo=True.    
There's no default ORDER BY in modern SQLAlchemy so the primary key ordering is 
likely just the insert ordering of the table.   This is not directly linked to 
the primary key except that surrogate integer primary keys are typically 
assigned sequentially as rows are inserted.     Second, the ORDER BY here will 
be rendered inside an aliased select, "SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM ... ORDER 
BY ...) as contribute_alle_leden WHERE <criterion>".    Generally this will 
maintain that ordering but not necessarily, if the selectable is part of a 
bigger context that again changes how the database merges rows into the final 
result set.   So for the ordering of the final result, the ORDER BY should be 
on the outside.

mapper() offers an option called order_by which will instruct the Query object 
to place this as the default ORDER BY in the absence of other orderings.  It 
must be in terms of the mapped selectable, here the q.alias():

mapper(ContNot, q.c.achternaam)

> one of them is putting the order by clause in the mapper but without
> result.

so if you've tried this then something else is off, and watching the generated 
SQL will begin to describe what's actually happening.    

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