
I simplified my code just for test purposes. I'm now working with only
two columns, without order_by clause, commented a few other lines with
order by. I'm sure there is no order_by left in my code. I run the
script with echo set to debug. The result:

('contributie_alle_leden_id', 'contributie_alle_leden_achternaam')
2011-12-27 16:23:05,839 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...a7d0
SELECT contributie_alle_leden.id AS contributie_alle_leden_id,
contributie_alle_leden.achternaam AS
FROM (SELECT "Leden".id AS id, "Leden".achternaam AS achternaam
FROM "Leden") AS contributie_alle_leden ORDER BY

The order by is still added. As sqlalchemy doesn't add things, the
only suspect now is elixir. This is part of the Camelot framework and
act as a layer upon SQLAlchemy.



On Dec 25, 11:33 pm, Michael Bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com> wrote:
> On Dec 25, 2011, at 3:19 PM, VDK wrote:
> > With echo=True, the following sql statements are reported:
> > INFO:sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...9890:select version()
> > INFO:sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...9890:{}
> > 2011-12-25 21:08:58,796 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...9890
> > select version()
> > 2011-12-25 21:08:58,797 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...9890
> > {}
> > INFO:sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...9890:select current_schema()
> > INFO:sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...9890:{}
> > 2011-12-25 21:08:58,819 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...9890
> > select current_schema()
> > 2011-12-25 21:08:58,819 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...9890
> > {}
> > 2011-12-25 21:08:58,822 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...9890
> > SELECT count(1) AS count_1
> > INFO:sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...9890:SELECT count(1) AS
> > count_1
> > FROM (SELECT "Leden".id AS id, "Leden".achternaam AS achternaam,
> > "Leden".tussenvoegsel AS tussenvoegsel, "Leden".voorletters AS
> > voorletters, "Leden".adres AS adres, "Leden".postcode AS postcode,
> > "Leden".woonplaats AS woonplaats, "Tarieven".omschrijving AS
> > omschrijving, "Tarieven".tariefbedrag AS tariefbedrag,
> > "Leden".adresenpc AS adresenpc
> > FROM "Leden", "Tarieven"
> > FROM (SELECT "Leden".id AS id, "Leden".achternaam AS achternaam,
> > "Leden".tussenvoegsel AS tussenvoegsel, "Leden".voorletters AS
> > voorletters, "Leden".adres AS adres, "Leden".postcode AS postcode,
> > "Leden".woonplaats AS woonplaats, "Tarieven".omschrijving AS
> > omschrijving, "Tarieven".tariefbedrag AS tariefbedrag,
> > "Leden".adresenpc AS adresenpc
> > WHERE "Leden".lidsoort_id IN (%(lidsoort_id_1)s, %(lidsoort_id_2)s)
> > AND "Tarieven".id = "Leden".lidsoort_id ORDER BY "Leden".achternaam)
> > AS contributie_alle_leden
> > FROM "Leden", "Tarieven"
> > 2011-12-25 21:08:58,822 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...9890
> > {'lidsoort_id_2': 2, 'lidsoort_id_1': 1}
> > WHERE "Leden".lidsoort_id IN (%(lidsoort_id_1)s, %(lidsoort_id_2)s)
> > AND "Tarieven".id = "Leden".lidsoort_id ORDER BY "Leden".achternaam)
> > AS contributie_alle_leden
> > INFO:sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...9890:{'lidsoort_id_2': 2,
> > 'lidsoort_id_1': 1}
> > INFO:sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...9890:SELECT
> > contributie_alle_leden.id AS contributie_alle_leden_id,
> > contributie_alle_leden.achternaam AS
> > contributie_alle_leden_achternaam,
> > contributie_alle_leden.tussenvoegsel AS
> > contributie_alle_leden_tussenvoegsel,
> > contributie_alle_leden.voorletters AS
> > contributie_alle_leden_voorletters, contributie_alle_leden.adres AS
> > contributie_alle_leden_adres, contributie_alle_leden.postcode AS
> > contributie_alle_leden_postcode, contributie_alle_leden.woonplaats AS
> > contributie_alle_leden_woonplaats, contributie_alle_leden.omschrijving
> > AS contributie_alle_leden_omschrijving,
> > contributie_alle_leden.tariefbedrag AS
> > contributie_alle_leden_tariefbedrag, contributie_alle_leden.adresenpc
> > AS contributie_alle_leden_adresenpc
> > 2011-12-25 21:08:58,925 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...9890
> > SELECT contributie_alle_leden.id AS contributie_alle_leden_id,
> > contributie_alle_leden.achternaam AS
> > contributie_alle_leden_achternaam,
> > contributie_alle_leden.tussenvoegsel AS
> > contributie_alle_leden_tussenvoegsel,
> > contributie_alle_leden.voorletters AS
> > contributie_alle_leden_voorletters, contributie_alle_leden.adres AS
> > contributie_alle_leden_adres, contributie_alle_leden.postcode AS
> > contributie_alle_leden_postcode, contributie_alle_leden.woonplaats AS
> > contributie_alle_leden_woonplaats, contributie_alle_leden.omschrijving
> > AS contributie_alle_leden_omschrijving,
> > contributie_alle_leden.tariefbedrag AS
> > contributie_alle_leden_tariefbedrag, contributie_alle_leden.adresenpc
> > AS contributie_alle_leden_adresenpc
> > FROM (SELECT "Leden".id AS id, "Leden".achternaam AS achternaam,
> > "Leden".tussenvoegsel AS tussenvoegsel, "Leden".voorletters AS
> > voorletters, "Leden".adres AS adres, "Leden".postcode AS postcode,
> > "Leden".woonplaats AS woonplaats, "Tarieven".omschrijving AS
> > omschrijving, "Tarieven".tariefbedrag AS tariefbedrag,
> > "Leden".adresenpc AS adresenpc
> > FROM "Leden", "Tarieven"
> > WHERE "Leden".lidsoort_id IN (%(lidsoort_id_1)s, %(lidsoort_id_2)s)
> > AND "Tarieven".id = "Leden".lidsoort_id ORDER BY "Leden".achternaam)
> > AS contributie_alle_leden ORDER BY contributie_alle_leden.id
> > 2011-12-25 21:08:58,925 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...9890
> > {'lidsoort_id_2': 2, 'lidsoort_id_1': 1}
> > FROM (SELECT "Leden".id AS id, "Leden".achternaam AS achternaam,
> > "Leden".tussenvoegsel AS tussenvoegsel, "Leden".voorletters AS
> > voorletters, "Leden".adres AS adres, "Leden".postcode AS postcode,
> > "Leden".woonplaats AS woonplaats, "Tarieven".omschrijving AS
> > omschrijving, "Tarieven".tariefbedrag AS tariefbedrag,
> > "Leden".adresenpc AS adresenpc
> > FROM "Leden", "Tarieven"
> > WHERE "Leden".lidsoort_id IN (%(lidsoort_id_1)s, %(lidsoort_id_2)s)
> > AND "Tarieven".id = "Leden".lidsoort_id ORDER BY "Leden".achternaam)
> > AS contributie_alle_leden ORDER BY contributie_alle_leden.id
> > INFO:sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...9890:{'lidsoort_id_2': 2,
> > 'lidsoort_id_1': 1}
> > The problem is in the last few sentences where you can see '.... ORDER
> > BY "Leden".achternaam) AS .... ORDER BY contributie_alle_leden.id'. So
> > the last ORDER BY is consistent with what is visible in the GUI:
> > ordered by primary key. So the question should be now: how to
> > construct a select that omits the last (and unwanted) ORDER BY clause?
> This output appears somewhat truncated as the line "FROM (SELECT..." seems to 
> be a new log line that begins with FROM (I have a mac which does this 
> sometimes when pasting from terminal), but in any case, assuming you're on at 
> least version 0.5, SQLAlchemy does not in any case ever add an ORDER BY 
> clause to the statement that wasn't implemented by the programmer.  You'd 
> need to locate where this ORDER BY is specified in your application, either 
> in mapper(), relationship(), or query.order_by(), and remove it.

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