On Dec 25, 2011, at 3:19 PM, VDK wrote:

> With echo=True, the following sql statements are reported:
> INFO:sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...9890:select version()
> INFO:sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...9890:{}
> 2011-12-25 21:08:58,796 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...9890
> select version()
> 2011-12-25 21:08:58,797 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...9890
> {}
> INFO:sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...9890:select current_schema()
> INFO:sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...9890:{}
> 2011-12-25 21:08:58,819 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...9890
> select current_schema()
> 2011-12-25 21:08:58,819 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...9890
> {}
> 2011-12-25 21:08:58,822 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...9890
> SELECT count(1) AS count_1
> INFO:sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...9890:SELECT count(1) AS
> count_1
> FROM (SELECT "Leden".id AS id, "Leden".achternaam AS achternaam,
> "Leden".tussenvoegsel AS tussenvoegsel, "Leden".voorletters AS
> voorletters, "Leden".adres AS adres, "Leden".postcode AS postcode,
> "Leden".woonplaats AS woonplaats, "Tarieven".omschrijving AS
> omschrijving, "Tarieven".tariefbedrag AS tariefbedrag,
> "Leden".adresenpc AS adresenpc
> FROM "Leden", "Tarieven"
> FROM (SELECT "Leden".id AS id, "Leden".achternaam AS achternaam,
> "Leden".tussenvoegsel AS tussenvoegsel, "Leden".voorletters AS
> voorletters, "Leden".adres AS adres, "Leden".postcode AS postcode,
> "Leden".woonplaats AS woonplaats, "Tarieven".omschrijving AS
> omschrijving, "Tarieven".tariefbedrag AS tariefbedrag,
> "Leden".adresenpc AS adresenpc
> WHERE "Leden".lidsoort_id IN (%(lidsoort_id_1)s, %(lidsoort_id_2)s)
> AND "Tarieven".id = "Leden".lidsoort_id ORDER BY "Leden".achternaam)
> AS contributie_alle_leden
> FROM "Leden", "Tarieven"
> 2011-12-25 21:08:58,822 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...9890
> {'lidsoort_id_2': 2, 'lidsoort_id_1': 1}
> WHERE "Leden".lidsoort_id IN (%(lidsoort_id_1)s, %(lidsoort_id_2)s)
> AND "Tarieven".id = "Leden".lidsoort_id ORDER BY "Leden".achternaam)
> AS contributie_alle_leden
> INFO:sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...9890:{'lidsoort_id_2': 2,
> 'lidsoort_id_1': 1}
> INFO:sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...9890:SELECT
> contributie_alle_leden.id AS contributie_alle_leden_id,
> contributie_alle_leden.achternaam AS
> contributie_alle_leden_achternaam,
> contributie_alle_leden.tussenvoegsel AS
> contributie_alle_leden_tussenvoegsel,
> contributie_alle_leden.voorletters AS
> contributie_alle_leden_voorletters, contributie_alle_leden.adres AS
> contributie_alle_leden_adres, contributie_alle_leden.postcode AS
> contributie_alle_leden_postcode, contributie_alle_leden.woonplaats AS
> contributie_alle_leden_woonplaats, contributie_alle_leden.omschrijving
> AS contributie_alle_leden_omschrijving,
> contributie_alle_leden.tariefbedrag AS
> contributie_alle_leden_tariefbedrag, contributie_alle_leden.adresenpc
> AS contributie_alle_leden_adresenpc
> 2011-12-25 21:08:58,925 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...9890
> SELECT contributie_alle_leden.id AS contributie_alle_leden_id,
> contributie_alle_leden.achternaam AS
> contributie_alle_leden_achternaam,
> contributie_alle_leden.tussenvoegsel AS
> contributie_alle_leden_tussenvoegsel,
> contributie_alle_leden.voorletters AS
> contributie_alle_leden_voorletters, contributie_alle_leden.adres AS
> contributie_alle_leden_adres, contributie_alle_leden.postcode AS
> contributie_alle_leden_postcode, contributie_alle_leden.woonplaats AS
> contributie_alle_leden_woonplaats, contributie_alle_leden.omschrijving
> AS contributie_alle_leden_omschrijving,
> contributie_alle_leden.tariefbedrag AS
> contributie_alle_leden_tariefbedrag, contributie_alle_leden.adresenpc
> AS contributie_alle_leden_adresenpc
> FROM (SELECT "Leden".id AS id, "Leden".achternaam AS achternaam,
> "Leden".tussenvoegsel AS tussenvoegsel, "Leden".voorletters AS
> voorletters, "Leden".adres AS adres, "Leden".postcode AS postcode,
> "Leden".woonplaats AS woonplaats, "Tarieven".omschrijving AS
> omschrijving, "Tarieven".tariefbedrag AS tariefbedrag,
> "Leden".adresenpc AS adresenpc
> FROM "Leden", "Tarieven"
> WHERE "Leden".lidsoort_id IN (%(lidsoort_id_1)s, %(lidsoort_id_2)s)
> AND "Tarieven".id = "Leden".lidsoort_id ORDER BY "Leden".achternaam)
> AS contributie_alle_leden ORDER BY contributie_alle_leden.id
> 2011-12-25 21:08:58,925 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...9890
> {'lidsoort_id_2': 2, 'lidsoort_id_1': 1}
> FROM (SELECT "Leden".id AS id, "Leden".achternaam AS achternaam,
> "Leden".tussenvoegsel AS tussenvoegsel, "Leden".voorletters AS
> voorletters, "Leden".adres AS adres, "Leden".postcode AS postcode,
> "Leden".woonplaats AS woonplaats, "Tarieven".omschrijving AS
> omschrijving, "Tarieven".tariefbedrag AS tariefbedrag,
> "Leden".adresenpc AS adresenpc
> FROM "Leden", "Tarieven"
> WHERE "Leden".lidsoort_id IN (%(lidsoort_id_1)s, %(lidsoort_id_2)s)
> AND "Tarieven".id = "Leden".lidsoort_id ORDER BY "Leden".achternaam)
> AS contributie_alle_leden ORDER BY contributie_alle_leden.id
> INFO:sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...9890:{'lidsoort_id_2': 2,
> 'lidsoort_id_1': 1}
> The problem is in the last few sentences where you can see '.... ORDER
> BY "Leden".achternaam) AS .... ORDER BY contributie_alle_leden.id'. So
> the last ORDER BY is consistent with what is visible in the GUI:
> ordered by primary key. So the question should be now: how to
> construct a select that omits the last (and unwanted) ORDER BY clause?

This output appears somewhat truncated as the line "FROM (SELECT..." seems to 
be a new log line that begins with FROM (I have a mac which does this sometimes 
when pasting from terminal), but in any case, assuming you're on at least 
version 0.5, SQLAlchemy does not in any case ever add an ORDER BY clause to the 
statement that wasn't implemented by the programmer.  You'd need to locate 
where this ORDER BY is specified in your application, either in mapper(), 
relationship(), or query.order_by(), and remove it.

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