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On Apr 26, 2012, at 5:11 PM, Cornelius Kölbel wrote:

> Hello Michael,
> thanks for the answer, thanks for sqlalchemy and thanks for the link.
> Finally indeed we installed all packages via pip and at least the option
> problem was gone.
> Unfortunately we experience another problem.
> Our model specification contains several sqlalchemy.types.UnicodeText()
> columns.
> They worked fine under mysql, postgres and sqlite, but we are
> experiencing the (logical) problem with oracle.  (Now it is getting
> hard, since I am not the oracle expert).
> So the tables get created with the columns -- specified as UnicodeText
> in the model -- as CLOB/NCLOB on oracle. Ok, that's the way it is
> described here
> http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/core/types.html#sql-standard-types.
> But this leads to an uncomfortable behaviour: since the behaviour with a
> mysql or postgres backend will be different to that of the oracle
> backend. While our application is able to search, sort and filter
> (where) those columns in mysql and postgres it will fail with oracle as
> a backend, since in oracle NCLOBs can not be searched, filtered or
> sorted, and we get the error message: inconsistent datatypes: expected -
> got NCLOB.
> What I am aiming at is: an application with sqlalchemy will behave
> differently if the backend is either mysql (will work) or oracle (will
> break).
> Should the mapping of the unicodetext to the column data type have same
> effects on different databases?
> Bad thing: to my understanding oracle provides no unlimited searchable
> string/character data type.

SQLA can only approach backend-agnostic behavior to a certain degree.  The 
behavior of unlimited-size text fields stored using LOB methodologies is one 
area where this behavior can't really continue; there are great behavioral 
differences in these datatypes across many backends, not just Oracle.

in SQL we generally don't try comparing or sorting unlimited-size BLOB, CLOB 
columns.   Even on databases which support this, it is vastly inefficient as 
you can't really index unlimited-size columns reasonably.

If you have columns which you need to use in filter criterion or sorting, they 
should be VARCHAR on all backends.   PG supports VARCHAR of unlimited size, 
Oracle up to 4000 characters.  Not sure about MySQL, but in any case columns 
that are used in comparisons should be of limited size.

If you're doing full text searching, you should be using text searching 
extensions for that - Oracle should have something available in this area as 
well (according to this: 
http://www.oracle.com/pls/db111/portal.portal_db?frame=&selected=7 it was 
introduced in Oracle 11g).

To do text searching in an agnostic way with SQLAlchemy can be achieved with 
custom function and type constructs, once you have decided what the equivalent 
operations will be across all the target backends.

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