Am 26.04.2012 23:22, schrieb Michael Bayer:
> On Apr 26, 2012, at 5:11 PM, Cornelius Kölbel wrote:
> > Hello Michael,
> > thanks for the answer, thanks for sqlalchemy and thanks for the link.
> > Finally indeed we installed all packages via pip and at least the option
> > problem was gone.
> > Unfortunately we experience another problem.
> > Our model specification contains several sqlalchemy.types.UnicodeText()
> > columns.
> > They worked fine under mysql, postgres and sqlite, but we are
> > experiencing the (logical) problem with oracle.  (Now it is getting
> > hard, since I am not the oracle expert).
> > So the tables get created with the columns -- specified as UnicodeText
> > in the model -- as CLOB/NCLOB on oracle. Ok, that's the way it is
> > described here
> >
> > But this leads to an uncomfortable behaviour: since the behaviour with a
> > mysql or postgres backend will be different to that of the oracle
> > backend. While our application is able to search, sort and filter
> > (where) those columns in mysql and postgres it will fail with oracle as
> > a backend, since in oracle NCLOBs can not be searched, filtered or
> > sorted, and we get the error message: inconsistent datatypes: expected -
> > got NCLOB.
> > What I am aiming at is: an application with sqlalchemy will behave
> > differently if the backend is either mysql (will work) or oracle (will
> > break).
> > Should the mapping of the unicodetext to the column data type have same
> > effects on different databases?
> > Bad thing: to my understanding oracle provides no unlimited searchable
> > string/character data type.
> SQLA can only approach backend-agnostic behavior to a certain degree. 
> The behavior of unlimited-size text fields stored using LOB
> methodologies is one area where this behavior can't really continue;
> there are great behavioral differences in these datatypes across many
> backends, not just Oracle.
> in SQL we generally don't try comparing or sorting unlimited-size
> BLOB, CLOB columns.   Even on databases which support this, it is
> vastly inefficient as you can't really index unlimited-size columns
> reasonably.
> If you have columns which you need to use in filter criterion or
> sorting, they should be VARCHAR on all backends.   PG supports VARCHAR
> of unlimited size, Oracle up to 4000 characters.  Not sure about
> MySQL, but in any case columns that are used in comparisons should be
> of limited size.
> If you're doing full text searching, you should be using text
> searching extensions for that - Oracle should have something available
> in this area as well (according to this:
> it
> was introduced in Oracle 11g).
> To do text searching in an agnostic way with SQLAlchemy can be
> achieved with custom function and type constructs, once you have
> decided what the equivalent operations will be across all the target
> backends.
We probably would have been better off with using Unicode(4000) or
something like that.
We will do some thinking.
Thanks a and kind regards

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