During evaluation of Python 2.7 + SqlAlchemy 0.8.x  using OracleDialect, I 
found most of the features I need exist out of the box; however I don't see 
a way to pass arrays as inputs to function calls.

Am I overlooking an existing capability? ... my searches have come up empty 
for Oracle but looks like Postgres has this already.

In my situation, there are a number of existing custom types in the db 
defined like:
"create or replace TYPE int_list AS TABLE OF INTEGER NOT NULL;"
"create or replace TYPE str_list AS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(256 CHAR) NOT NULL;"

These db types are typically expected as input parameters to functions.

If support for this does not exist yet, I would be interested in adding 
It's unfortunately way beyond the scope of my task to modify the db to 
accommodate SqlAlchemy.

I found the sqlalchemy user defined type support here:

I also found what looks like underlying support for array types in 
cx_Oracle here:

I don't see a way to plumb these cx_Oracle features into sqlalchemy user 
defined types since they depend on cx_Oracle connection and cursor types.

Maybe there's a completely alternate approach I'm overlooking?

Thanks in advance for suggestions.

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