On Jan 28, 2014, at 3:37 PM, a_t_smith <amos.t.sm...@gmail.com> wrote:

> During evaluation of Python 2.7 + SqlAlchemy 0.8.x  using OracleDialect, I 
> found most of the features I need exist out of the box; however I don't see a 
> way to pass arrays as inputs to function calls.
> Am I overlooking an existing capability? ... my searches have come up empty 
> for Oracle but looks like Postgres has this already.
> In my situation, there are a number of existing custom types in the db 
> defined like:
> "create or replace TYPE int_list AS TABLE OF INTEGER NOT NULL;"
> ...
> "create or replace TYPE str_list AS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(256 CHAR) NOT NULL;"
> These db types are typically expected as input parameters to functions.
> If support for this does not exist yet, I would be interested in adding 
> support.
> It's unfortunately way beyond the scope of my task to modify the db to 
> accommodate SqlAlchemy.
> I found the sqlalchemy user defined type support here:
> http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/rel_0_9/core/types.html#types-custom
> I also found what looks like underlying support for array types in cx_Oracle 
> here:
> https://code.google.com/p/cx-oracle-demos/source/browse/trunk/todo/oracle-array.py?r=2
> I don't see a way to plumb these cx_Oracle features into sqlalchemy user 
> defined types since they depend on cx_Oracle connection and cursor types.
> Maybe there's a completely alternate approach I'm overlooking?

I’ve created a feature ticket at http://www.sqlalchemy.org/trac/ticket/2925.

the steps are pretty straightforward - being able to get the data in and out of 
cx_oracle is key.  cx_oracle need not provide any kind of special typing here, 
if just passing in formatted strings as arguments is what works, we can do 

so once a full round trip script with raw cx_oracle works, then we can 
implement a type similar to postgresql.ARRAY for oracle.

I do notice that there’s a lot of variety of type here: 

are we looking to support associative array as well ala postgresql HSTORE ?    

overall we need examples that are not PL/SQL based, everything here has to be 
about DDL and column data types.  SQLAlchemy has no real link to PL/SQL.

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