Following up on earlier comments I tried manually calling the db function 
and passing the arrayvar built via cx_Oracle cursor and got "ORA-01484: 
arrays can only be bound to PL/SQL statements".

Alternately, I found that manually wrapping the array values with the 
database type name "works", i.e. rp = session.execute('select 
some_db_func(int_array(1,2,3,4,5)) from dual') .

I could not find a way to convert the int_array(1,2,3,4,5) part of the 
statement into a param though, so I'm not sure if/how to move forward with 
this either. 

I tried breaking this into two parts but it doesn't seem to know how to get 
the array out of resultproxy.

arrayResult = session.execute('select int_array(1,2,3,4,5) from dual')
funcResult = session.execute(session.query().from_statement("select 
some_db_func(:a) from dual").params(a=arrayResult))

Is there a way to render a udt like class into literal part of query rather 
than binding it as a parameter?

On Tuesday, January 28, 2014 3:26:25 PM UTC-8, Michael Bayer wrote:
> no, this is the part i was suggesting needs to be improved.  for the 
> moment, the OracleExecutionContext is looking for parameters that need 
> special things.  you can also intercept the parameters being sent to 
> cx_oracle using a before_cursor_execute event, which might be a way to 
> interact with the cursor directly without modifying the cx_oracle dialect 
> directly.
> that is 
> from sqlalchemy import event
> @event.listens_for(Engine, “before_cursor_execute”)
> def look_for_array_params(conn, cursor, statement, parameters, context, 
> executemany):
>    if context and context.compiled:
>        for key in parameters:
>           bindparam = context.compiled.binds[key]
>           if isinstance(bindparam.type_, OracleArrayType):
>               parameters[key] = 
> cursor.call_special_oracle_api(parameters[key])
> this is sort of deep stuff so you’d need to familiarize a bit with the 
> execution flow (assuming the above doesn’t work as written).

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