On Tue, 29 Jul 2014, Simon King wrote:

Hope that helps,

Simon, and others:

  As a check that I understand the basics please check the syntax of this
set of three related tables:

class Agencies(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'agencies'

    org_name = Column(String(48), primary_key = True)
    acronym = Column(String(8), value=' ', nullable = False)
    org_lvl = Column(String(8), value='State', nullable = False,
    CheckConstraint(org_lvl("org_lvl IN ('Federal', 'State', 'County',
    'City', 'Local', 'Regional')")
    website = Column(String(64), value=' ')
    comment = Column(STring)

class Agency_Units(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'agency_units'

    unit_name = Column(String(48), nullable = False, unique = True, primary_key 
= True)
    parent_name = Column(String(48), nullable = False, 
ForeignKey('agencies.org_name'), primary_key = True)

    agencies = relationship("Agencies", backref=backref('agency_units'))

    acronym = Column(String(8))
    addr1 = Column(String(32), nullable = False)
    addr2 = Column(String(32))
    city = Column(String(16), nullable = False)
    state_prov = Column(String(2), nullable = False)
    postcode = Column(String(10), nullable = False)
    phone = Column(String(10))
    fax = Column(String(10))
    website = Column(String(64))
    comment = Column(String)

class Agency_Contacts(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'agency_contacts'

    last_name = Column(String(20), nullable = False, primary_key = True)
    first_name = Column(String(16), nullable = False, primary_key = True)
    mi = Column(String(1))
    agency_unit = Column(String(48), nullable = False, primary_key = True,

    agency_unites = relationship("Agency_Units", 

    title = Column(String(32))
    phone = Column(String(10), nullable = False)
    extension = Column(String(6))
    email = Column(String(32))
    start_date = Column(Date, nullable = False)
    end_date = Column(Date)
    comments = Column(String)

  I think that's how to express multiple column primary keys and the foreign
references; at least, that's how I interpreted the doc. Getting corrected
now will make life easier in the future.

Thanks in advance,


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