On Wed, 30 Jul 2014, Werner wrote:

I don't like using 'name' columns as primary keys I would instead use an
'id' column and would set 'index=True' on the name column.


  The use of natural keys (such as a vehicle VIN, the US's SSN, or equipment
serial number) is prefered over an artificial, meaningless, integer key to
prevent duplicate data. See any of Joe Celko's SQL books.

  Over the past 30 or so years I've resorted to artificial keys only when
absolutely necessary. Consider a table for water chemistry constituent
concentrations. There can be no more than one row for the concentration of a
specified constituent from a distinct location on a given day. The only way
to ensure this uniqueness is with the compound primary key of (parameter,
sampdate, site). An articial 'id' column fails to prevent duplication
because someone could enter the same laboratory results more than once and
each row would have a unique 'id' primary key but duplicate data.

  In the early 1990s I was fired from a database consulting assignment with
a medical resarch unit because I changed their flat-file database structure
to a relational schema and turned up duplcate data for a number of patients.
When you consider the effects on published analyses of data that contained
duplicate entries, they had to pick a scapegoat and I was it. :-)

  Seriously, read Joe Celko's "SQL for Smarties" (I think the 4th edition is
the latest) for robust DDL practices.

  The unicode vs string suggestion is interesting. I'm not sure of the
advantages (or disadvantages) but if the change is neutral I'll run a global



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