Andrea Giammarchi wrote:
Hello andrea,

Thank you Noel Frankinet for this repot , I just use this application to manage my sqlite database files ... well, Windows XP SP2 and flash player 7, no problema with a lot of database files ..

-very heavy download
I am working to have a better host ... I am sorry, I know this is slow ...

-Install a lot a multi-megabytes dll
I have used py2exe, it installs itself a lot of dlls ... because I've not created any dll ... you know that wxpython is just 4,5 megabytes ...

-does not work (see log)
   should you please tell me what version of windows are you using ?

windows 2000 prof.

- I would prefer a statically linked single exe program written in c that works.
he he ... but it works too, however it's an alternative with some features that sqlitebrowser has not :-)
( but has not some features that sqlite browser has ... )


Best wishes

Noël Frankinet
Gistek Software SA

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