On 12/30/16, Bennett Haselton <bennetthasel...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  My other suggestion was that if you open a database file with a
> *newer* version of the library than the one that was used to create it,
> you can also warn, "This file was created using SQLite version a.b.c,
> but you're attempting to save it in format SQLite version x.y.z.  If you
> save changes to this file, it may no longer be compatible with the
> program that generated it."

SQLite doesn't work that way.  It preserves the older format, unless
you take specific steps to change it.

For example, if you create a partial index, then the database will
subsequently only work for versions of SQLite that support partial
indexes (3.8.0 and later, 2013-08-26).  Or if you turn on WAL mode,
then the file will only be readable by 3.7.0 and later.

But as long as you don't create new objects that are unsupported by
older versions, a database written by SQLite 3.16.0 should be readable
and writable by SQLite 3.0.0.

When you create a new database using SQLite 3.16.0, if you do "PRAGMA
legacy_file_format=ON;" as the very first statement, and if you avoid
language features that were missing from version 3.0.0 (such as
partial indexes and/or WAL mode), then your new database will be
readable and writable by SQLite version 3.0.0, from 2004-06-18.
D. Richard Hipp
sqlite-users mailing list

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