The following table sums up the division findings from other SQL engines:

           |SELECT 5 / 2 | SELECT 5.0 / 2 | SELECT 5 / 2.0 | SELECT 5.0 / 2.0
SQLite3    | 2           | 2.5            | 2.5            | 2.5             
PostgreSQL | 2           | 2.500000000000 | 2.500000000000 |
SQL*Plus   | 2.5         |                |                |
MySql      | 2.50        |                |                |

The implementation seems undecided, but I see that the "big players" Oracle 
SQL*Plus and MySql both do not strip off the decimal digits.

Thanks to all who run some tests and provided the results. Feel free to add 
other engines or fill in the gaps.



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