
On 2018-10-08 08:11, Hick Gunter wrote:
> 1) Include an "inserted at" timestamp column in each table
> 2) create a history table for each real table
> 3) use before triggers to copy the old record to the history table and set 
> the "inserted at" timestamp

Using triggers is an interesting approach that I hadn't thought of
before.  That makes "manual" handling of the history transparent to the
code that performs operations.  (And avoids the need to instrument /
change every line of code that does a change to the database.)

However, that still means that I need to build the system for a
particular database schema (set of tables and fields in them), right?
In my situation, I would ideally like to apply a method that works "out
of the box" independent of the underlying database schema (because I'm
building an application *platform* rather than a particular
application).  The sessions extension seems to provide this, so I'll try
that one first to see if it fits my requirements.


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