The sessions extension:

2018-10-05 17:39 GMT+02:00, Daniel Kraft <>:
> Hi!
> I need the ability to make multiple changes / commits to my SQLite
> database but keep snapshots of previous states and potentially roll back
> to those states later on.  All of that needs to be persistent, i.e.
> survive closing the database and restarting the process.  After some
> time, I can get rid of old snapshots (my process determines by itself
> when and which snapshots can get discarded, it is not based on some
> fixed TTL or something like that).
> Is it possible to do all that with SQLite?
> From reading the docs, it seems to me that (persistent) WAL mode
> basically does *exactly that* internally:  Changes are recorded in the
> logs so that previous versions are retained.  Rollbacks would be
> possible by "simply" discarding the WAL entries after the desired
> snapshot.  And discarding of very old snapshots corresponds to
> checkpointing.
> However, I'm not sure if all of that functionality is (officially)
> exposed to me as a user.  There are in particular two points where I
> think that my requirements differ from the functionality that WAL mode
> exposes:
> 1) Handles to snapshots can be obtained and stored, but they are
> read-only.  It seems to be not possible to tell SQLite to restore the
> WAL to a previous version and then continue modifying from that version.
>  (Which basically means truncating the WAL file at a certain point.)
> 2) From what I have seen, checkpointing can only be triggered for the
> full WAL (or whatever is possible with existing readers) and not
> selectively up to a desired point.  Of course I could work around that
> by creating a reader at the point I want to keep.  But then I wonder if
> it is a problem if the WAL can never be *fully* checkpointed (as in my
> requirement).  Would that mean that it keeps on growing forever, or is
> checkpointing able to remove parts from the beginning of the WAL?
> Is my understanding here correct?  And is there some way in which I
> could achieve my requirements using WAL mode (or somehow else)?
> Thank you very much!
> Yours,
> Daniel
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