On Fri, 5 Oct 2018 17:39:57 +0200
Daniel Kraft <d...@domob.eu> wrote:

> I need the ability to make multiple changes / commits to my SQLite
> database but keep snapshots of previous states and potentially roll
> back to those states later on.  All of that needs to be persistent,
> i.e. survive closing the database and restarting the process.  After
> some time, I can get rid of old snapshots (my process determines by
> itself when and which snapshots can get discarded, it is not based on
> some fixed TTL or something like that).

        "The totality of data in a data bank may be viewed 
        as a collection of time-varying relations."
        -- E.F. Codd in
        "A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks"

You're not the first.  Data change over time.  SQL doesn't support data
versions as a language feature, but you can implement it yourself
in your database design.  

Add a "version" column to your table.  Create views that (using a
self-join) show only the latest version. Periodically purge old
versions.  Roll back by deleting new versions.  

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