David Fletcher wrote:
>     create table if not exists StmtSQL (
>         StmtName        TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE,
>         SQL                  TEXT NOT NULL);
> The GetPreparedStmt() function retrieves the SQL from table, creates a new
> sqlite3_statement object (or retrieves this from a cache).
> It  strikes me that this would be nicer if sqlite offered this as an 
> intrinsic capability.

How would SQLite know what the table and column names are?  How would that API
be different from exec("SELECT SQL From StmtSQL WHERE StmtName = ?")+prepare?

> people might find it easier to share collections of SQL statements designed
> for various tasks.

This would require all databases to have the same schema, or some automatic
mechanism to adjust table/column names.  And getting the table/column names
right is the smallest problem when writing a query (or choosing which one to

I don't see how this would be an improvement over the NoSQL database commonly
known as Stack Overflow.  :)

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