On Wed, Mar 27, 2019 at 1:02 PM Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org> wrote:

> On 27 Mar 2019, at 11:48am, Thomas Kurz <sqlite.2...@t-net.ruhr> wrote:
> Locking by rows is a slow operation.  You first have to lock the entire
> database, then lock the row, then release the database.  And each of those
> locks is a test-and-lock operation.  Also, because of the way indexes work,
> locking a row often locks that row's neighbours too in each index.  Code
> which just locks the entire database is simpler and faster.

It's not so much about performance Simon, although that remains a concerns
of course,
it's about *concurrency*. Yes it adds overhead compared to simpler and less
granular locking,
but you gain better concurrency in exchange.

Just like single threaded typically achieves better per-thread throughput
than multi-threaded.
But when you have many users or many threads, you typically do not want
them sitting idle
while only a single one at a time is busy. --DD
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