I have an app that has been refined for some time using sqlite, to a performance level that I was fairly happy with. That was running MacOS 10.2, with sqlite 3 (it was around 3.23 I think).

I have recently installed MacOS 10.4 (Tiger) and though it comes with sqlite3 (3.1.3), I installed the latest version (3.2.7) anyway.

The app is now very sluggish. Using the Saturn profiling tool (I believe this is a GUI to the gprof binary), it appears that the sluggishness is to the sqlite calls. For example, one call to sqlite3_exec takes 1000 milliseconds! This is for a straight forward update t set a = b where x = y type of call.

I have tried removing the 3.2.7 library and linking to the built in library (3.1.3). It makes no difference.

The performance is still slow whether compiling using development or deployment build styles.

I should also mention that the previous working (wrt performance) version was built using Project Builder, whereas this version is built using XCode that comes with system 10.4. The performance is the same for whether XCode uses the original format or 'upgraded' to native format.

Any tips to resolve the poor performance appreciated.


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