Am 18.10.2019 um 19:45 schrieb Bart Smissaert:


With r(s2, s, i) As (Select 2, 1, 1 Union All
    Select s2, (s2>0)*(s+s2/s)*.5, i+1 From r Where Abs(s2-s*s)>1e-12
Limit 32
) Select s From r Order By i Desc Limit 1

How would this work if I wanted to update all the values in a table column
to have the square root?

Well, as with any other (single-value-returning) Sub-Select
(which was enclosed in parentheses)...

     "Update MyTable Set MyCol = (Select 1)"
would update MyCol with the value 1 across the whole table...

Same thing basically (only "a bit larger") with a CTE-based

BTW, I've updated and tuned the thing a bit (which should now
offer more precision, and ~20% more performance as well):

With  r (x, y, i) As (
  Select ?, 1, 1  Union All
  Select x,(x>0)*(y+x/y)/2 yi,i+1 From r Where Abs(yi-y)>1e-12 Limit 32
) Select y From r Order By i Desc Limit 1

Note the question-marked "Parameter" for the "squared Input-Value"
(in the first Select Statement of the CTEs triple).

Integrated into an Update-Query it could look this way:

Update MyTable Set MySquareRoot = ( -- SubSelect-Opening-Paren...
 With  r (x, y, i) As (
   Select MySquaredValue, 1, 1  Union All
   Select x,(x>0)*(y+x/y)/2 yi,i+1 From r Where Abs(yi-y)>1e-12 Limit 32
 ) Select y From r Order By i Desc Limit 1
) -- SubSelect-Closing-Paren...



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