Here is a recursive CTE that will calculate the square root to the best 
precision your processor math implementation is capable of.  It limits the 
recursion by prohibiting the insertion of duplicate guesses by using UNION 
rather than UNION ALL, which will cause pathological cases that oscillate to 
terminate.  It then scans those guesses looking for the one that is the 
"closest" approximation to the actual square root.  If you ask for the square 
root of a negative number, you get null, and if subnormal division gives a nan 
(NULL) that will also terminate the recursion.

with guesses(findRootOf, guessRoot)
  as (
       select ?1,
              case when ?1 < 0 then null else ?1 / 2.0 end
       select findRootOf,
              (guessRoot + findRootOf / guessRoot) / 2.0 as newGuessRoot
         from guesses
        where guessRoot > 0.0
  select guessRoot
    from guesses
order by abs(guessRoot*guessRoot - findRootOf)
   limit 1;

Note that the parameter is used twice.  Once to put in the table, and again to 
compute the first "guess" (which is really to prime the guess with NULL to 
prevent attempts to calculate the root of a negative number).

guessRoot exactly matches the results of the sqrt function 76% of the time, and 
is within 1 ULP 100% of the time.
guessRoot*guessRoot == findRootOf 48% of the time, within 1 ULP 94% of the 
time, and within 2 ULP 100% of the time.
*based on 5,000,000 randomly generated positive real numbers

The fact that there's a Highway to Hell but only a Stairway to Heaven says a 
lot about anticipated traffic volume. 

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