There is a stdev function for sqlite here:

On Wed, Oct 16, 2019 at 7:57 PM Olaf Schmidt <> wrote:
> Am 12.10.2019 um 16:47 schrieb Bart Smissaert:
> > Sorry, I forgot to tell that. It is date column with an integer number.
> >
> > ID xValue xDate
> > ----------------
> > 1   130      40123
> > 1   120      41232
> > 1   140      40582
> > 1   100      40888
> > 1   110      42541
> > 2   140      41225
> > 2   130      41589
> > 2   150      40872
> Because SQLite on Android has at least CTEs available,
> (since Android 5 or so), I thought I make an attempt using them...
> For your above sample-set I've created a table Test this way
> (with slightly changed Column-Names + different IDs with "gaps"
> + a few more sample-records, to cover especially n=1 sets):
> Create Table Test(ID, xVal, xDat);
> Insert Into Test Values(3, 130, 40123);
> Insert Into Test Values(3, 120, 41232);
> Insert Into Test Values(3, 140, 40582);
> Insert Into Test Values(3, 100, 40888);
> Insert Into Test Values(3, 110, 42541);
> Insert Into Test Values(5, 140, 41225);
> Insert Into Test Values(5, 130, 41589);
> Insert Into Test Values(5, 150, 40872);
> Insert Into Test Values(6, 110, 41225);
> Insert Into Test Values(6, 115, 41227);
> Insert Into Test Values(9, 105, 41225);
> After the above Table-Creation + Inserts, one should
> define a "Base-View" first, which is then able to select
> appropriate aggregates (respecting your "max-4" condition):
> Create View vw_StdDev_Max4_Aggregates As
> Select ID, Avg(xVal) a1, Avg(xVal*xVal) a2, Count(*) n From Test T
> Where xDat In (Select xDat From Test Where T.ID=ID Order By xDat Desc
> Limit 4)
> Group By ID;
> Only this view above has to be adjusted, according to your
> real table- and column-names, but the following two "derived views",
> will work after these changes as well, as long as you leave the
> above view-name - and the field-names: (ID, a1, a2, n) intact.
> So what remains, is two more view-defs (one for the population-StdDev -
> and one with a few slight changes, to cover the sample-StdDev as well.
> Create View vw_StdDev_Samples As
> Select ID, n n_SampleSize, (a2-a1*a1)*n/(n-1) "s^2", (
>    With r(s2, s, i) As (Select (a2-a1*a1)*n/(n-1), 1, 1 Union All
>      Select s2, (s2>0)*(s+s2/s)*.5, i+1 From r Where Abs(s2-s*s)>1e-12
> Limit 32
>    ) Select s From r Order By i Desc Limit 1
> ) s From vw_StdDev_Max4_Aggregates Where n>1
> Union All
> Select ID, n, Null, Null From vw_StdDev_Max4_Aggregates Where n=1;
> Create View vw_StdDev_Populations As
> Select ID, n n_PopulationSize, (a2-a1*a1) "sigma^2", (
>    With r(s2, s, i) As (Select (a2-a1*a1), 1, 1 Union All
>      Select s2, (s2>0)*(s+s2/s)*.5, i+1 From r Where Abs(s2-s*s)>1e-12
> Limit 32
>    ) Select s From r Order By i Desc Limit 1
> ) sigma From vw_StdDev_Max4_Aggregates Where n>1
> Union All
> Select ID, n, 0, 0 From vw_StdDev_Max4_Aggregates Where n=1;
> ------------------------------------
> Ok, here the result I get on my test-table, when the 3 views
> are in place, and the following gets executed:
> Select ID, n_PopulationSize, sigma From vw_StdDev_Populations;
> ID  n   sigma
> ------------------------
> 3   4   14.7901994577491
> 5   3   8.16496580927733
> 6   2   2.5
> 9   1   0
> Select ID, n_SampleSize, s From vw_StdDev_Samples;
> ID  n   s
> ------------------------
> 3   4   17.0782512765993
> 5   3   10.0000000000001
> 6   2   3.53553390593274
> 9   1   null
> Please note the returned null (vs. the real 0) in the last result
> (done, because "unbiased estimates" are undefined for sample-size == 1)
> Finally for those interested, the CTE-based "iterated Square-Root",
> cut out for an isolated calculation of sqrt(2).
> With r(s2, s, i) As (Select 2, 1, 1 Union All
>    Select s2, (s2>0)*(s+s2/s)*.5, i+1 From r Where Abs(s2-s*s)>1e-12
> Limit 32
> ) Select s From r Order By i Desc Limit 1
> The max. iterations are limited to 32 - though for input-values
> in a "typical range", the iteration will usually exit earlier...
> In case of the example above -> sqrt(2), the iteration-counter
> i reached only 6 (as can be seen, when you include i alongside s
> in the final Select.
> With r(s2, s, i) As (Select 2, 1, 1 Union All
>    Select s2, (s2>0)*(s+s2/s)*.5, i+1 From r Where Abs(s2-s*s)>1e-12
> Limit 32
> ) Select i, s From r Order By i Desc Limit 1
> Olaf
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