Les Woolsey wrote:
> But I went to deploy it on a new user's laptop (It's a new laptop) and
> when I run it gives me an exception that says System.Data.SQL.dll one
> of its dependencies was not found. So it appears I need to deploy a
> bit more onto the new machine. (The old machines probabaly have some
> other program which has installed the right SQLIte pieces.

Where did you obtain the built System.Data.SQLite binaries from?  Do you
have the "SQLite.Interop.dll" files for x86 and x64?

> My project is built in VS 2015.

If the "SQLite.Interop.dll" files were not built statically (this depends
on how you obtained them) they may require the MSVC 2015 runtime to be

> I have an external reference to the System.Data.SQLite.dll that was
> installed in \Program Files\SQLLite\2012\bin when I installed
> System.data.sqlite.  

When you say "installed", do you mean to say that you obtained the files
from one of the "Setup" packages on the download page?

Joe Mistachkin

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