This may be dumb but I'm looking for a bit of help deploying my app.  I
developed the app a few years ago and it works well on several Windows 10
machines.  But I went to deploy it on a new user's laptop (It's a new
laptop) and when I run it gives me an exception that says
System.Data.SQL.dll one of its dependencies was not found. So it appears I
need to deploy a bit more onto the new machine. (The old machines probabaly
have some other program which has installed the right SQLIte pieces.


After some digging I found
that the deployment recommended was to XCOPY the following files:

*       <bin>\App.exe (optional, managed-only application executable
*       <bin>\App.dll (optional, managed-only application library assembly)
*       <bin>\System.Data.SQLite.dll (required, managed-only core assembly)
*       <bin>\System.Data.SQLite.Linq.dll (optional, managed-only LINQ
*       <bin>\System.Data.SQLite.EF6.dll (optional, managed-only EF6
*       <bin>\x86\SQLite.Interop.dll (required, x86 native interop assembly)
*       <bin>\x64\SQLite.Interop.dll (required, x64 native interop assembly)

My project is built in VS 2015.  I have an external reference to the
System.Data.SQLite.dll that was installed in \Program Files\SQLLite\2012\bin
when I installed  The project only copies to the release directory but  that's not too much of
a problem.  I can manually copy System.Data.SQLite.Linq.dll and
System.Data.SQLite.EF6.dll to the release folder and deploy them to the
user's system.  But the \x64 and \x86 directories that the build puts in my
release folder contain only SQLITE3.dll.  I could just copy the "Interop"
dlls into the respective places and that would possibly (probably) solve my
issue but I don't know where to find a copy of those.  They are not in the
install location.


Can anyone tell me where to find those dll's?  Or am I looking in the wrong


Les Woolsey

Innovative Consulting Solutions


T: +1 613-739-9922

M: +1 613-852-1526


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