> I'll check my assumptions when I get some time but I thought
> interpreting an sql statement cost only a few milliseconds of time. I
> would think saving it to a rotating disk would be worse. It would cost
> on average a half disk rotation of latency to read it. Flash memory
> has no rotational latency so it might be faster. Maybe my
> understanding is wrong but it seems saving prepared statements would
> be either worse, in terms of time, or of minimal benefit. You might
> get a few milliseconds at startup but only if your storage medium has
> no latency.

When the SQL parser/compiler the SQLite library footprint
drops dramatically - as small as 60KiB.  It's the library
footprint that concerns embedded systems people.  They typically
cannot spare the additional 120KiB of program space needed to
host the parser/compiler.

Ah! You compile it on the development box. That makes sense.

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