jima wrote:

> ...
> And then I go, no problems building. I have sqlite built with this
> feature I guess.
> But the thing is that I cannot make it to work. I prepared a c file
> following the template given in the wiki. I generated a .so using:
> gcc -I/path_to_sqlite-3.3.7/src -c -o Extension.o Extension.c

Add the compiler switch -fPIC here.

> And
> gcc -shared -o Extension.so Extension.o /path_to_libsqlite3.so/libsqlite3.so

Omit libsqlite3.so here, there's no need for it in the extension.

> ...
> When I do in sqlite3 prompt:
> ..load Extension.so

Use the full path to Extension.so or prefix it with ./

Hope that helps,

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