I can imagine that before long all firefighters will have internet connected equipment. A handheld device with broadband access and GPS is an obvious move forward, both for safety, for rapid deployment of resources and for access to maps and logistics.

To design what you are doing now for the future would seem to be less wasteful of time and effort than to step back into old methods.

To be able to run your system via a cell phone could be very useful and avoid the need for distributed computers.

Steve Davis wrote:

I genuinely appreciate your comments.

My consideration has been that although setting up a server and mySQL is
trivial for me, it might not be for someone else who isn't a geek.  But that
will have to be resolved in the installation process.

Thanks again.

All the best
Steve Davis

Steve Davis - too much time on his hands

-----Original Message-----
From: Roger Binns [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Sunday, 17 December 2006 5:39 PM
To: sqlite-users@sqlite.org
Subject: Re: [sqlite] Is sqlite the right db for me?

Hash: SHA1

Steve Davis wrote:
| Does that change your opinion?

Not in the slightest.  You can run the web server and browser on the same
machine as you have presumably already been doing.  (Unless you have been
using the word browser to mean something other than a web browser).

| It is not a web-based app, rather browser based.

Browser apps are web based.  Note that I never said the web server has to
run on a different machine.  However you do have that capability should you
need it in the future.  With a standard application, you can only make it
remotely available either by some heavyweight solution such as VNC/RDP or by
rewriting it.

| Many brigades do not have net access at their stations, they might | only have someone there once a fortnight, so it isn't viable. Also | this app might also be used on a notebook at a remote location...where | there is often no mobile phone coverage.

The point is that networking is becoming more ubiquitous.  It might take
months or years, but eventually there will be more connections.  So you can
have a single standalone machine in the station running the app (both server
and browser).  But when it becomes network accessible in two years time,
someone on the road with a cellphone will be able to access the data.  Heck
if you have two machines in the station, the second one will be able to
access the web app on the first trivially.

| In fact, my mistake too...it is written in ASP/VBScript/MSaccess | because that is the language I knew at the time. That's why it is | browser
based. I
| have since moved on (ahead?) and use PHP/mySQL.

A browser is a good environment to target.  The display easily resizes,
users can simply change things such as font sizes, printing is free, help is
easy to integrate and CSS can make it beautiful without too much effort.

The various web toolkits mentioned in the presentation I linked to make the
web app be significantly less effort.  One of the test apps written was a
time tracker.  For some of the toolkits, that was accomplished in
9 (yes nine) lines of code.

| The choice was to embellish it (a bit) to incorporate some DHTML or
| it from scratch so it is not browser dependent which to me seems like | part of the evolutionary process.

Standard applications are a pain.  They are significantly harder and more
effort to write.  (Wait till you learn about layout management or have to
deal with people using different default font sizes).  There are a few more
things you can do in a standard app that you can't in a web app such as raw
access to hardware, or very complex user interaction.

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