Hi John,

But, then I need an alternate way to convert a few characters (at least & and <) in the fields in my output into the correct html codes. How can I do this?

Why not just make a simple change to sqlite3.exe? You have the source.

Um, where do I start? Because I want to work with SQLite, not redefine it. I don't want to have to add my changes and recompile it every time there's a new version. I don't want to have my version produce different results to everyone else. I want to be able to move my specific program from one machine to another, without having to recompile SQLite on the other machine. I want to be able to swap a SQLite library in and out of my software and have it produce the same results. I want to be able to raise bug reports or query approaches knowing that everyone's using the same version as me. Because I'm not on a ".exe" OS ;-)


Also, there's a broader question here. Can I, within SQLite (eg a SELECT statement) replace all occurrences of string 1 with string 2? For instance, if in the Description column output I want to change any occurrence of "&" to "&amp;", can it be done? I imagine something like:

SELECT Replace(Description, '&', '&amp;') FROM MyTable


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