The sqlite3 program is just an application program using the sqlite lbrary. If you have your own version of it is will be compatible with all Sqlite V3 databases.

What changes with an Sqlite release is the library that you link into your application.

T&B wrote:
Hi John,

But, then I need an alternate way to convert a few characters (at least & and <) in the fields in my output into the correct html codes. How can I do this?

Why not just make a simple change to sqlite3.exe?  You have the  source.

Um, where do I start? Because I want to work with SQLite, not redefine it. I don't want to have to add my changes and recompile it every time there's a new version. I don't want to have my version produce different results to everyone else. I want to be able to move my specific program from one machine to another, without having to recompile SQLite on the other machine. I want to be able to swap a SQLite library in and out of my software and have it produce the same results. I want to be able to raise bug reports or query approaches knowing that everyone's using the same version as me. Because I'm not on a ".exe" OS ;-)


Also, there's a broader question here. Can I, within SQLite (eg a SELECT statement) replace all occurrences of string 1 with string 2? For instance, if in the Description column output I want to change any occurrence of "&" to "&amp;", can it be done? I imagine something like:

SELECT Replace(Description, '&', '&amp;') FROM MyTable


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