On 2/2/07, A. Pagaltzis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

5-10% in his tests, as he wrote a few mails up the thread.
Significant? No. Worthwhile? Apparently so, for his application.

I saw that as well, but based on this:

> is there a more formal mechanism for getting this value without having
> to do a separate "select" query?

I got the impression he was executing a separate select statement to return
the rowid into his C code and then passing that value back to the third
insert using the C API to bind that rowid to the final insert. I suspect the
reduction from executing three statements (insert, select, insert) down to
only two (insert insert) would probably provide about the same performance
increase as the 5% to 10% speedup he saw by replacing the separate select
with the VDBE stack lookup hack.

He also never said which API functions he was using to execute the inserts.
I thought he may have been using the sqlite3_exec function which includes
the overhead of compiling the SQL code for each execution. In that case, I
suspect that changing to the prepared statements should provide more benefit
than the VDBE stack hack by eliminating this overhead.

Dennis Cote

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