Hi Roger,

> The problem isn't so much how you generate keys, but how you use them.
> Google shows over a million hits for 'pdf encryption crack'.

You're certainly right. But there is a difference between the PDF encryption 
and the SQLite encryption I implemented.

PDF encryption is designed in such a way that it's easily possible to decrypt a 
document if only access permissions are set but no password(s). For this 
purpose every PDF document contains two values (the U value and the O value) 
corresponding to the user password resp. owner password. But if a password is 
set it takes quite a while to crack it, although it's certainly not uncrackable.

My implementation for SQLite does not store such information into the database. 
So it should be a bit harder to crack the encryption. 

Nevertheless there is a weak point in my current implementation, namely the 
SQLite magic file header. Since this header has 16 bytes and has a (usually 
known) value it could be used to reconstruct the encryption key. I don't think 
it's trivial to do it, but I didn't investigate how much effort it would be to 
crack the encryption key using this information. And probably I'll change my 
implementation in the next version to not give away such a clue.

But, hey, my implementation is for free. If someone has really tight security 
constraints he or she should buy and use a commercial solution.



Ulrich Telle
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