"Scott Hess" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If you have an fts1 table f, you could drop f_term and f_content, but
> you won't be able to drop f itself.  So you would have to name the
> fts2 version of f something else, like f2.

I probably shouldn't tell you this, but....

There is a pragma:

   PRAGMA writable_schema=ON;

Which when enabled allows you to UPDATE or DELETE against the
sqlite_master table.  So you could turn on writable_schema
then do:

   DELETE sqlite_master WHERE type='f';

This will remove the virtual table for you.  Be sure to turn
writable_schema back off before you continue.

Note that making changes to the schema this way can very
quickly result in a corrupted and unrecoverable database file.
Do no make changes to the schema unless you are sure what you
are doing safe.  If you mess up the sqlite_master table in any
way, the situation is unrecoverable.  You have been warned.

D. Richard Hipp  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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