--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> "Scott Hess" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > If you have an fts1 table f, you could drop f_term and f_content, but
> > you won't be able to drop f itself.  So you would have to name the
> > fts2 version of f something else, like f2.
> > 
> I probably shouldn't tell you this, but....
> There is a pragma:
>    PRAGMA writable_schema=ON;
> Which when enabled allows you to UPDATE or DELETE against the
> sqlite_master table.  So you could turn on writable_schema
> then do:
>    DELETE sqlite_master WHERE type='f';

Will all the btree pages orphaned at rootpage for these rows 
not be recyclable until you run a full VACUUM?

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