No, it is definitely local.

        Does anyone know if theres any kind of hardware/os spec that may 
influence sqlite performance? 

On 26 Oct 2007 at 16:53, Renaud HUILLET wrote:

> My 2 cents:
> Could it be that on the new  machine, your sqlite file is no longer local ?
> If you access it through NFS, you get some overhead .
> Renaud
> > To:
> > Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2007 14:32:37 -0200
> > Subject: [sqlite] Very poor performance on an INSERT command
> >
> > Ok, I have a performance problem with SQLITE. First of all I'd like
> > to say that Ihave searched the archives and other sites too but
> > didn't find a problem like mine.
> >
> > Recently I made a software that got records from a remote ORACLE
> > database, created a local SQLITE database and then inserted those
> > records in the local database. All worked fine while developing and
> > testing, but when I moved it to the computer where it should run I
> > found it was way too slow to create the database. Did some testing
> > and haven't found network, hard disk or memory problems.
> >
> > This is my scenario now:
> > GW0 - 2 32 bit INTEL HyperThreading Processors 1 GB RAM
> > RED HAT ENTERPRISE 3 kernel 2.4.21-4.ELsmp
> > Good performance
> >
> > GW2 - 2 32 bit INTEL Dual core Processors 4 GB RAM
> > RED HAT ENTERPRISE 4 kernel 2.6.9-5.ELsmp
> > Poor performance
> >
> > My software is slow on GW2 but fast on GW0. Same binary.
> > I have reinstalled sqlite3 on GW2, copied sqlite3 binaries and
> > libraries from GW0 to GW2 but didn't succeed.
> >
> > I also made a little test to read records from a text file and
> > insert in a DB. Same thing, slow on GW2, fast on GW0. Note that I
> > used the same binary on both computers.
> >
> > The table I'm using looks like this:
> > CREATE TABLE name (col1 TEXT, col2 TEXT, col3 TEXT);
> >
> > and I insert like this:
> > INSERT INTO name VALUES ('value1', 'value2', 'value3');
> >
> > I've seen people saying one should use transactions or to bind
> > variables and some syncronize stuff, but my question is: If I'm using
> > the same binary on both computers shouldn't I get similar
> > performances on both computers?
> >
> > Anyone has any idea of what might be wrong?
> >
> > Thanks in advance and sorry for the long mail.
> >
> > --
> > Fabio Durieux Lopes
> > Desenvolvimento
> > Suntech Telecom Solutions
> >
> > Office: +55 48 3234 0107
> >
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Fabio Durieux Lopes
Suntech Telecom Solutions
Office: +55 48 3234 0107

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