An obvious improvement is to use 15,000 RPM disks.

Fabio Durieux Lopes wrote:
        No, it is definitely local.

Does anyone know if theres any kind of hardware/os spec that may influence sqlite performance?
On 26 Oct 2007 at 16:53, Renaud HUILLET wrote:

My 2 cents:
Could it be that on the new  machine, your sqlite file is no longer local ?
If you access it through NFS, you get some overhead .


Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2007 14:32:37 -0200
Subject: [sqlite] Very poor performance on an INSERT command

Ok, I have a performance problem with SQLITE. First of all I'd like
to say that Ihave searched the archives and other sites too but
didn't find a problem like mine.

Recently I made a software that got records from a remote ORACLE
database, created a local SQLITE database and then inserted those
records in the local database. All worked fine while developing and
testing, but when I moved it to the computer where it should run I
found it was way too slow to create the database. Did some testing
and haven't found network, hard disk or memory problems.

This is my scenario now:
GW0 - 2 32 bit INTEL HyperThreading Processors 1 GB RAM
RED HAT ENTERPRISE 3 kernel 2.4.21-4.ELsmp
Good performance

GW2 - 2 32 bit INTEL Dual core Processors 4 GB RAM
RED HAT ENTERPRISE 4 kernel 2.6.9-5.ELsmp
Poor performance

My software is slow on GW2 but fast on GW0. Same binary.
I have reinstalled sqlite3 on GW2, copied sqlite3 binaries and
libraries from GW0 to GW2 but didn't succeed.

I also made a little test to read records from a text file and
insert in a DB. Same thing, slow on GW2, fast on GW0. Note that I
used the same binary on both computers.

The table I'm using looks like this:
CREATE TABLE name (col1 TEXT, col2 TEXT, col3 TEXT);

and I insert like this:
INSERT INTO name VALUES ('value1', 'value2', 'value3');

I've seen people saying one should use transactions or to bind
variables and some syncronize stuff, but my question is: If I'm using
the same binary on both computers shouldn't I get similar
performances on both computers?

Anyone has any idea of what might be wrong?

Thanks in advance and sorry for the long mail.

Fabio Durieux Lopes
Suntech Telecom Solutions
Office: +55 48 3234 0107

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Fabio Durieux Lopes
Suntech Telecom Solutions
Office: +55 48 3234 0107

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