We are looking at renovating the design of the SQLite
website and would love to have suggestions from the
community.  If you have any ideas on how to improve
the SQLite website, please constribute either to the
mailing list or directly to me.

Among the comments received already are these:

  (1) It is not clear from the homepage that the software
      is free.
Its stated on the homepage, but maybe it should be in one of the
first paragraphs, not at the last bullet in the list. I would
reorder the features list quite a bit, the more technical
details down (like the byte order thing and some others).

  (2) Half the page is devoted to talking about bugs in
      the software.  This suggests low quality.
  (3) The "News" contains scary words: "radical changes".
  (4) Three releases in as many months suggests the
      code is not stable.
All those are under 'NEWS'. Maybe make the news section smaller
and provide 'details' and 'developer details' links. Then the
news could be like an 'executive summary' and the real facts
would be listed under details and developer details.

  (5) Move the BigNameUsers to the front page
      (see http://www.sqlite.org/wiki?p=BigNameUsers)
Propaganda isn't bad. Maybe a rotating banner like it is found on many
websites that lists one of those with 'used by' for every page visit.

  (6) Need more eye-candy.
Not really. Its simple, clean and nice.

One thing that might be worth it, is a bit of cleanup of the menu in
the upper right corner, maybe group a bit.

I see these main categories there:
Code/Binaries: cvs, download, contrib
About: support, license, news?
Documentation: quick start, faq, syntax, wiki (changes?/news?)
Development: bugs, changes, timeline

Currently the trackers and the main website are not really integrated,
more side by side..., don't know if it would be good to change it.


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