On Nov 8, 2007 5:29 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We are looking at renovating the design of the SQLite
> website and would love to have suggestions from the
> community.  If you have any ideas on how to improve
> the SQLite website, please constribute either to the
> mailing list or directly to me.

One of the things i love about the sqlite site is how lightweight and
simple it is. The only thing which i find marginally confusing is how
to figure out which bugs report to select when i'm in the mood to
check out the latest open tickets. That said, i don't have any
concrete suggestions except, "leave it all the same, except for making
the bug reports selection a bit more intuitive."

>   (1) It is not clear from the homepage that the software
>       is free.

google code award implies that it's free (doesn't it?)

>   (4) Three releases in as many months suggests the
>       code is not stable.

Only to people not used to open source. "Release early, release often."

>   (6) Need more eye-candy.

Definitely not. Its simplicity is its main beauty.

----- stephan beal

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