Rich Shepard wrote:
On Thu, 8 Nov 2007, Stephan Beal wrote:

google code award implies that it's free (doesn't it?)

Only to people not used to open source. "Release early, release often."

Definitely not. Its simplicity is its main beauty.


  Good comments from your point of view. However, what the development team
needs to define is the audience -- or audiences -- they want to effectively
reach. Not everyone looking at the web site is a linux/*BSD user, highly
involved with database management systems, code development, or other
technical aspects. Quite often the key decision-maker knows little about the
technology, but needs to be assured that there is a solid business reason
for adopting it. These folks need to see something more appealing to them.


To my mind the current Sqlite page is revealing and honest. A cursory glance and you can see what is being presented, where it has been and where it is going. It is not doing people a favour to entice them into using something which they may not be able to handle or which is inappropriate for their needs.

My suggestion for improvment is is access to the wiki and the archives of support information. That could be refined.

A horde of raving, enthusiastic fans is a better way to promote a product than have disgruntled people who failed to achieve a good result with it.

There is no need to apologize for the absense of snake oil, smoke and mirrors.

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