Ion Silvestru <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >We wrote Richard back in August to correct his misstatements then. He chose
> >to ignore the letter.
> August? We start to discuss about DeviceSQL some days ago, or
> I am wrong?

I have several support customer in Europe who have been
visited by the Encirq sales rep there, trying to get them
to abandon SQLite in favor of DeviceSQL.  The way this
normally happens is that a sales talk is given to the
management.  Then the management goes to their engineers
asking for a comparison of DeviceSQL and SQLite.  The
engineers then come to me for help in defending SQLite.
I respond with a letter outlining the strengths and
weaknesses of each product as known to me.  I am always
very careful to outline the limitations of my knowledge
in these cases and to attempt to give as fair and as
balanced of a comparison as I can.

In one recent episode (prehaps the one that Steve is
referring to) my reply was forwarded to the Encirq sales
rep.  This provoked a vigorous response from Encirq in which
they attempted a point-by-point rebuttal of my letter.

Well, maybe it wasn't quite point-by-point.  They 
did attempted to rebut every good thing I said about
SQLite and every bad thing I said about DeviceSQL,
But they let stand all of the limitations of SQLite 
that I mentioned, as well as those factors I said
were favorable to DeviceSQL.

Did I ignore this letter?  Yes and no. I did read it. But
the overall impression I got from reading it was that the
customer can cure cancer and bring about world peace if
only they would switch to using DeviceSQL.  I tend to 
discount such information heavily. So, I suppose Steve
is correct, in a manner of speaking, in saying that I
ignored the letter.

D. Richard Hipp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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