> > August? We start to discuss about DeviceSQL some days ago, or I am 
> > wrong?
> > 
> I have several support customer in Europe who have been 
> visited by the Encirq sales rep there, trying to get them to 
> abandon SQLite in favor of DeviceSQL.  The way this normally 
> happens is that a sales talk is given to the management.  
> Then the management goes to their engineers asking for a 
> comparison of DeviceSQL and SQLite.  The engineers then come 
> to me for help in defending SQLite.
> I respond with a letter outlining the strengths and 
> weaknesses of each product as known to me.  I am always very 
> careful to outline the limitations of my knowledge in these 
> cases and to attempt to give as fair and as balanced of a 
> comparison as I can.
> In one recent episode (prehaps the one that Steve is 
> referring to) my reply was forwarded to the Encirq sales rep. 
>  This provoked a vigorous response from Encirq in which they 
> attempted a point-by-point rebuttal of my letter.

While Im not in the habit of defending the competition, Id like to toss my
2-cents in on this. I don't know anything about DeviceSQL but their
presentation is enough to get my respect :-)

The database market is very mature and if you do not have a set of special
features (in the actual engineering of the product, deployment or in its
licensing) that is compeling to a certain customer segment, you are dead
meat. Understanding those compeling reasons is one part engineering and one
part management. Engineering should understand technical
limitations/advantages and needs to be able to convey them convincingly to
management to the best of their understanding of product strategy. Likewise
management also makes decisions not always based on engineers understanding
or lack of understanding of the direction of the business (let along execs
jockeying against each other ;-)). And no matter how you couch or caveat a
statement, one isnt always present to know that those caveats are also
passed along  -  you may get little difference out the other end between
"God told me..." and "I witnessed it myself."

It seems to me that if the engineers are coming to you to defend their
selection of SQLite, then they didnt know SQLite as well as they should
because - it seems they havent made a very informed choice for using SQLite
(or any db) to begin with. The informed one might not be with the company
any more. But if a sales guy from DeviceSQL can pinpoint the needs of an
organization better than its own engineers, then its even worse (or better
if you are the DeviceSQL sales rep!).

Are you sure your customer is in Europe and not the US federal government?

Best regards,

Lynn Fredricks
Paradigma Software

Valentina SQL Server: The Ultra-fast, Royalty Free Database Server

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