I concur. Quite an interesting marketing strategy; Join you competitors'
mailing lists and trash talk them. LOL

-----Original Message-----
From: dcharno [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2007 8:30 PM
To: sqlite-users@sqlite.org
Subject: Re: [sqlite] DeviceSQL

I would like to recommend that Encriq create a forum or mailing list of 
their own for those who are interesting in learning more.  For me, what 
might be an interesting product is quickly being overshadowed by this 

> You raise some interesting points.  There is nothing secret about the
> benchmarks.  We will make the code that was used to run benchmarks
> to anyone who wants to see it and verify results. If you want to find
> third party to verify, be my guest. The benchmark report goes into
> depth on the design and rationale for the benchmark.  Frankly, as much
as I
> like the idea about taking DeviceSQL open source, you don't need to do
> just to verify performance claims.  
> Do you need to read the code to verify reliability as your next few
> sentences seems to imply? For that to be true, the reader would have
to be
> able to spot bugs through inspection.  While that is certainly one way
> spot bugs, I seriously doubt that any shop would rely on code
> when millions of dollars of potential recall costs are on the line.
> In fact the SQLite marketing does not rely on code inspection as its
> argument for why the code is reliable. Check it out. 
> All of that said, I do admire the elegance of the SQLite code.  It
> entertaining reading.  Unfortunately elegance does not translate into
> performance or reliability.
> Regards,
> Steve
> James Steward-2 wrote:
>> steveweick wrote:
>>> Richard has it right this time.  Today DeviceSQL uses no SQLite
code. One
>>> of
>>> the things we might consider is bolting the SQLite parser/front end
>>> our
>>> table engine, in theory to get the both worlds.  Just an idea at the
>>> moment.
>> Such an interesting discussion to be following.  I must say though,
>> seems DeviceSQL has opened the door to speculation due to 
>> unsubstantiated claims in advertising, as far as I see it.  IMHO, so 
>> long as there is no independent, unbiased, side by side test results 
>> presented somewhere by some reliable source, there will always be
>> room for "ifs" and "buts" by both sides.
>> Maybe DeviceSQL should go open source, so the public can judge for
>> selves the qualities of the two products.  There would still be money
>> be made from paid support.  Who knows, both parties could benefit,
>> customers too.  At least there'd be a clearer view of the pros and
>> There is something to be said for a product being open source, that
>> the code is scrutinized by the world.  Closed shop code can possibly 
>> still be very good, but without seeing it, how would we know?
>> me of a story about a cat: dead or alive, we won't know until we open

>> the box it's in, and prior to that, is it only half dead?
>> One only has to look at the MSDN code examples to see the ugliness of

>> closed source  code development...(sorry Bill)
>> JS.
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