"Rosemary Alles" <al...@ipac.caltech.edu> schrieb im
Newsbeitrag news:f113017d-8851-476d-8e36-56b2c4165...@ipac.caltech.edu...

> I have a database (simple schema) with two tables on which I
> perform  "concurrent" udpates over NFS ...
> ...
> Large updates, distributed over several cores over NFS -
> supposedly  concurrent "but not really"?
Could you give some more detailed background-info about
your current scenario?

What do you mean with "cores"?
Are these multiple client *machines* - or do we talk about
a sinlge client-machine with multiple (cpu-)cores here?

In case you mean only "several cores" on a single client-machine -
why is your DB "behind" NFS at all (and not on a local disk)?

In either case (be it multiple client-machines which talk to your
DB - or just multiple cores on a (capable but) single client-
machine - you will not achieve faster inserts against your DB
by working concurrently (regarding the write-direction to the
SQLite can profit from multiple cores (threads) only in the

That does not mean, that your Inserts will be slow (if only
one process/thread or core will handle them) - after all you
perform your DB-writes against a single resource (your disk).
And whilst working against a local disk, SQLite can achieve
ca. 50000-200000 inserts per second, depending of course
on the Column-Count and if the underlying table has indexes
defined on its columns. In my tests I can achieve ca.
120000 inserts per second on a table with 8 "mixed-type"
Columns (having no indexes defined on it - normal 7200rpm

So, what timings do you currently get, in case you perform
your updates only running on one single client (or core)?
And could you please check the DB-Size before and after
such a typical "update-job" (so that we get an impression
about the transferred byte-volume - maybe you could also
give the count of new records in case of insert-jobs)?

And do you work over GBit-Ethernet (or an even faster


Olaf Schmidt

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