On 23 May 2009, at 12:10am, Rosemary Alles wrote:

> Multiple machines with multiple cpus. [snip]

> The total size of
> current DB is up to 70mb.

I suspect you'd be better off with MySQL.  (Am I allowed to say that  
here ?)  See the last page of


MySQL runs as a service which can be connected to over the internet.   
It runs all the time, whether anything is talking to it or not.   
Everything that wants to change the database does it by talking to the  
same server.  Consequently, the server can do its own change-caching,  
keep indices in memory, and do the many other things that can be done  
when you don't have to worry about other people accessing the files on  
disk.  And it's designed to cope well with access from many clients  
concurrently: the server doesn't need the client to do busy/waiting,  
it just gives you the most up-to-date answers it has.

At work, where I can run servers and need 24/7 uptime and concurrent  
access from multiple clients I use MySQL.  At home where I want tiny/ 
fast/simple/embeddable/non-server I use SQLite.

Fortunately, it's relatively easy to export from sqlite3 and import  
into MySQL, or vice versa by exporting the database as a set of SQL  
commands (.dump in sqlite3) and making minor adjustments.  And the  
basic installation of MySQL (all you need) is free.

I'm sorry if discussion of MySQL is forbidden here, but it sounds like  
the right solution for this poster.

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