On 11 Jun 2009, at 20:05, Jim Wilcoxson wrote:

> If you partition the database into multiple databases, you will have
> to place each on its own physical disk drive to increase transaction
> rates.  If your base transaction rate with one drive is T, with N
> drives it should be N*T;  4 drives gives you 4x the transaction rate,
> etc.  Each of the drives has to be completely independent - no
> filesystems crossing drives.

I think - if you are serious about the problem - you can just rely on  
a disk array to do this for you. You see something that looks like a  
disk but which is of course spread over lots of spindles and with a  
bucketload of NV cache in front of it, and which can sustain really  
high numbers of ops/second.

Of course that may be what the previous person meant by "special  
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