Noah --

This is a wonderful accomplishment !

However, I have a question ...

Doesn't C# support native function calls ?

If so, other than scratching an itch, what does a native port to C# do ?


-- kjh

Noah Hart wrote:
> Richard sent me a gentle reminder that read in part:
> ============================================
> Please also note that the SQLite source code is in the public domain, but
> the "SQLite" name is not.  SQLite is a registered trade mark.  If I don't
> defend the trademark, then I could lose it.  So, I really do need to insist
> that you not use the name "SQLite" for your product.
> ============================================
> This is an excellent reminder, and until this is done, I've removed access 
> to the source code and will terminate this google code project.  I'll post
> an announcement in the future when the new project is ready.
> Also, if anyone has an ideal about what to call it ...
> Regards,
> Noah Hart       
> Noah Hart wrote:
>> I am pleased to announce that the C# port is done to the point where
>> others can look at it.
>> The project is located at
>> Enjoy,
>> Noah Hart
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