On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 7:14 AM, P Kishor <punk.k...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Actually, there can be one bad effect of Darren's suggestion, now that
> I think of it, and that would be for those who don't care for strong
> typing. They will end up getting strong typing for all non-UNIVERSAL
> columns whether they like it or not, whether they expect it or not,
> unless there is a pragma as well to just disable strong typing
> completely.

If someone were to implement this, the appropriate place is not in the
schema definition, the appropriate place is as a PRAGMA, perhaps
PRAGMA strong_typing.  When defined, schema would be transformed at
table creation time to add the appropriate checks.  With this
implementation you could also more easily compile the support out of
SQLite, because it's not a change to syntax, it's a change to how
tables are created, so when compiled out you get exactly the SQLite
you had before the code was added.  Another alternate might be "CREATE
PEDANTIC TABLE xxx", because then the only footprint is that
additional keyword, though I think PRAGMA is a lot more clear for
optional features.

That said, I agree with others that the feature is mis-guided.  If you
think that a column should be an integer, then when you store things
to that column use sqlite3_bin_int().  As an application developer,
you should NEVER let users define the type of data stored in your
database in the first place, you should ALWAYS explicitly validate
their input.  You could use this kind of type-checking to keep people
developing against your schema from doing bad things, but given the
nature of SQLite it's hard to see how useful that would be in practice
(versus a client-server system where many people may be sharing the
same production database instance).

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