On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 03:59:11PM -0500, Jay A. Kreibich wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 03:19:59PM -0500, Nicolas Williams scratched on the 
> wall:
> > I should add that a pragma that cause CHECK constraints to be
> > automatically created for enforcing strong typing in subsequent CREATE
> > TABLE statements 
>   That's tricky.  Values have TYPES.  Columns have AFFINITIES.  There
>   is not a clear or obvious one-to-one mapping between them in all
>   cases.  The CREATE TABLE column datatypes can be used to figure out
>   the column affinity, but that doesn't always make it clear what
>   value type should go in the CHECK expression.


>   Also, CHECK expressions need to go into the CREATE TABLE definition.
>   They can't be added after-the-fact, like key triggers.  There are
>   ways around this, of course, but they're kind of messy.

That's actually a _feature_.  The pragma should affect only subsequent
table creation.

Note: I am not asking for this.  I'm only asking that whatever is done,
if anything, be backwards compatible, and preferably result in DB files
that are compatible with older versions of SQLite3.

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