On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 01:30:31PM -0400, John Crenshaw wrote:


I don't think this proposal can or will be accepted.

One reasonable idea, perhaps, would to have a pragma that causes
subsequent CREATE TABLE statements to get automatically generated CHECK
expressions that enforce typing.  Any CHECK expressions in the given
CREATE TABLE statements would have to be wrapped, but that seems simple

That way you get forwards- and backwards-compatibility for DB files,
schemas, and SQL statements, while while still having the options of
strong and dynamic typing and the ability to mix the two.

And you'd not need any ugly keywords like "STRONG" or "UNIVERSAL"
(which, because SQLite3 accepts any type names, would have compatibility
issues anyways).

You'd still pay for type checking at run-time, even when using strong
type checking.  I'm OK with that.

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